Who do latin timeshare owners turn to to sell a timeshare?

There are many spanish speaking timeshare owners. However, in the business of timeshare resales there is one spanish speaking agent that stands out from the rest. Lauren Rodriguez is a ten year timeshare resale veteran that has sold many timeshares for owners based in South America and other spanish speaking locations such as Puerto Rico.  When asked about the spanish resale market, Lauren stated: "many owners just do not feel comfortable speak english. When finally finding a spanish speaking agent through our website or word of mouth, clients are extremely grateful to able to talk business in a language they understand." The timeshare industry has an estimated 2 million timeshare owners that primarily speak spanish. Developers have spanish speaking agents to sell to clients, but in the resale market, that is hard to find. For assistance selling your timeshare in spanish contact Lauren today!

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